Monday, February 9, 2009

Strangers that we know So well

Happiness permeates the air
sounds of children laughing
with the sun.
Shining down over the cracked asphalt
That is trampled over by little shoes.
He runs after her, pulling at her braids
Teasing, trying to grab her attention
the only way he knows how.
She runs to the teacher,
“Tell Him to leave me alone!”
He stops, the teachers
pin him down.
Turns him to rejoin the soccer game
across the field.

Back in class.
They get new seats,
He behind her.
Her chair moves, pulls back.
push forward, pull back
Teacher, “Something wrong?”
they both turn red.
He is moved far away
She doesn’t look at him again.
Then summer.

New school, years later.
Everything is so different,
He’s on the soccer team, popular.
She’s in Art Club, different.
They don’t recognize each other
passing in the hall.
Turning a corner they,
papers flutter to the ground.
Sketches, mix with math formulas.
An english paper is nearly
beneath the passing crowd.
“I believe this is yours?”
They say. “Thank you.”
And move off.

Next semester,
she sits behind him
Science class, how boring.
She thinks, kicks the chair,
push forward.
Pull back.
“I’m sorry!”
Teacher “Problem you two?”
They both turn red.
She looks at him.
Wearing her hair in two
long braids that day.
Then summer.

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